Equipo Central

Beatrice Baquero-Salah
Coordinadora de Alianzas
Bea (ella) es una estudiante de último año en Yale-NUS College. A través de sus intereses interdisciplinarios en la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo, espera contribuir a la construcción de un mundo más equitativo, resiliente y pacífico.

Ben Everett-Lane
Coordinador de Relaciones Públicas
Ben (él) es estudiante de segundo año en la Universidad de Yale con especialización en Estudios Ambientales, B.S. Le apasiona la comunicación y la acción climática. Como Coordinador de relaciones con los colaboradores de GreenCheck, gestiona la comunicación con los colaboradores.

Beverley Choo Jia Ying
Coordinadora de Operaciones
Beverley (ella) es un estudiante de último año de estudios ambientales de Yale-NUS College. Como líder de operaciones de GreenCheck, coordina varios equipos y nuestra estrategia a largo plazo. Le apasiona la justicia climática y la salud planetaria.

Josh Vogel
Coordinador de Tecnología
Josh (él) estudia ingeniería mecánica en la Universidad de Yale. Le apasiona el uso de la ingeniería para abordar la crisis climática y construir comunidades de apoyo. Como coordinador de tecnología de GreenCheck, ayudó a construir y mantener este sitio web.

Shikhar Agarwal
Coordinador de Recaudación de Fondos
Shik (él/elle) es un graduado de Yale-NUS College con un título en Estudios Ambientales. Como coordinador de recaudación de fondos, adquiere los recursos que permiten que GreenCheck funcione. Le apasiona la justicia climática y el desarrollo de comunidades de apoyo mutuo.

Equipo de Voluntaries

Anastasia Kurniadi
Partnerships & Community Engagement
Tasia (she/her) is an Environmental Studies/Anthropology student in Yale-NUS College. When you don't find her working with the Social Media and Partnerships teams, she loves to play the piano and SCUBA dive. A firm believer in the collective power of communities, she is contantly being inspired by the stories and people she encounters along the way.

Jacqueline O.H.
Translations & People Service
Jacqueline (she/her) is a bicultural, binational graduate of York University in Canada from a Hispanic Studies major and in the process of completing a Masters in conference interpreting. Besides toiling in her family's vegetable/herb garden, she also enjoys using her language skills to support communication across cultural-linguistic borders, especially when it involves climate action and social movements.

Leanne Chee
Fundraising & Community Engagement
Leanne (she/her) is studying law and environmental studies at Yale-NUS College and NUS Law. She’s excited by policy approaches to climate change, specifically in the energy industry and the finance sector.

Ning Yiran
Yiran (she/her) is a second-year Environmental Studies major from Yale-NUS College. She is excited to highlight and support community-led climate action groups that are doing amazing work in Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Sam Chow
Sam (she/her) is a graduate of the National University of Singapore, with a major in Finance. Hoping to build a more sustainable future for people and wildlife, she is eager to grow her climate action efforts as a GreenCheck volunteer and in her career. In her free time, she enjoys reading, travelling and good coffee.

Community Engagement
Subham, (he/they) graduated from IHM Mumbai with a Bachelor's in Science in Chefs School (Hospitality). They enjoy farming uncommon edible vegetables and making new recipes.

Sylvia Loh
Community Engagement
Sylvia (she/her) is a recent graduate from the NUS Faculty of Law and specialises in intellectual property law. At Greencheck, she helps create social media posts, and is interested in how design can inspire and spur action towards a more sustainable future.

Angela Hoten
Community Engagement
Angela (she/her) studies Environmental Studies and Anthropology at Yale-NUS College. She is interested in exploring the possibilities of transnational community building and organising through digital platforms.

Joshua Ong
Operations & Partner Relations
Joshua (he/him) is a business undergraduate student at Singapore Management University with a major in Finance Analytics. At GreenCheck, he co-creates impact measurement tools with GreenCheck's Partners and GreenCheck's Partner Relations team. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and going on hikes.

Nancy (she/her) is a graduate of Yale-Nus College where she majored in Global Affairs and minored in Psychology. She is interested in interdisciplinary approaches to social change, focusing on how relations of dependency have formed historically to understand inequality in all its forms. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the outdoors, swimming in oceans and rivers or hiking mountains every where she goes.

Rishika Kundu
Rishika (she/her) is a rising second year at the United World College of India. She is excited to have the opportunity to learn from Indigenous grassroots climate movements. She is passionate about climate justice and working towards a more equitable society.

Shanna (she/her) is a graduate of Yale-NUS College, where she studied Global Affairs and Chinese Studies. She is inspired by the power of policy and community-building in the fight for a better world.

Sun Woo
Sun Woo (he/they) is a third-year student at Yale-NUS College majoring in Environmental Studies. He enjoys painting, mushroom hunting, and hanging out with his two dogs, Lily and Coco.

Tanisha Naqvi
Tanisha (she/her) is a 4th-year Environmental Studies major in Yale-NUS College passionate about policy and community responses to climate issues. She is inspired by the many approaches people take to create a kinder world, and enjoys drawing cats and birds in her spare time.

Ashwathi Rajv
Ashwathi (she/her) is a freelance writer from Mumbai. In addition, she serves as a Partner Relations Volunteer at GreenCheck. When she is not baking and creating new recipes, she's engaged in learning about sustainability within food and fashion.

Community Engagement
Kyn (she/her) is an undergraduate student at Singapore Management University with a major in Marketing. At GreenCheck, she creates designs and manages the Instagram account. She enjoys going to the beach, and watching the sunset to unwind.

Natasha Ruscoll
Community Engagement
Natasha (she/her) is a Contemporary Music student at The New School in NYC. As one of GreenCheck’s Marketing Specialists, Natasha is able to broadcast the issues that matter to her, and show them to the world through outreach efforts and social media.

Roy Lara
Roy (he/him) is an Economics major in his third year at Yale-NUS College. Through his work and projects, he hopes that working on projects like GreenCheck can help solve one of the most pressing problems of our generation and make our lives better on the way.

Shantanu Muluk
Community Engagement
Shantanu (he/him) is an Aerospace Engineering graduate. He is interested in exploring transformative alternatives, bioregionalism and building a trans-national network of mutual support.

Community Engagement
Syarif (he/him) is a Maritime Studies student in Nanyang Technological University. He has a huge fascination with the the ocean and its relationships with Man. If he’s not swimming in a pool of oceanographic knowledge, you will find him doing something creative — likely writing poems, dancing, or memorizing lines for his next play.